So this past Wednesday, April 23, I had my 16 week appointment. The baby's heartbeat was 152 bpm. This is down from four weeks ago when it was 170 bpm. Overall, things are going well. I am gaining weight, as to be expected (four pounds since the last appointment four weeks ago). I am starting to wear some maternity clothes, although some look ridiculously huge yet because I am at that in-between stage right now. I have been feeling fine through this whole pregnancy as far as no real morning sickness. I was sick with a cold a few weeks ago and between battling that and my allergies, I am still blowing my nose and coughing quite a bit. Ready for a nice warm change to the weather! HA! In four weeks, I will have an ultrasound, but still probably going to wait until the baby is born to find out what it is. My brother says he wants to know since he is hoping for a nephew! I have felt a few movements occasionally, but nothing real noticable or consistent.
We didn't have school again this past Friday, April 25. Snow, you may be wondering?? No, this time school was cancelled because Thursday night it poured from about 8:30 p.m. until break of day Friday. Needless to say, Denver received anywhere from 5-7 inches of rain and the town was flooded! Many people had basements to clean up and many others were helping to sandbag near a creek that flows around the edge of town. I am just thankful that our basement stayed dry! So now we will have another day to add to the end of the year. We have made the school day longer to make up some of the days we missed this winter, so at least the last day of school for students will be Monday, June 2nd. Then I have to go back on June 3rd and then I am done until next year. Next year starts early for teachers on August 12 - yikes! I am also taking an on-line class this summer, so I know it will go fast! Once the new year starts though, it will be closer to the birth of this baby, so something to look forward to!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Grown-up Day
Growing a Garden
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Balloon Fight? Anyone?
So Laci and Madison got balloons last week at church. After blowing them up for the girls, Daddy wished he hadn't. They found a fun way to play with them. I love the one picture of Laci that I included, she has 2 purses, her balloon, and a book. Her comment once she got everything in place was, "I have everything!"
Warmer Days
So we did have some warmer days last weekend. The girls were able to play outside on Saturday, April 5th. It just has taken me awhile to post because this week, I have been sick with a head cold! I still am not feeling the greatest yet, but better than earlier in the week. It is supposed to be nicer this week also, so maybe the girls will get outside again. Laci is loving that she gets to drive the Barbie Jeep all by herself this year. She still needs a little guidance, but does pretty well. Madison drives it and the Cadillac Escalade with ease. Last year, we almost had a dirt path around the house from them making laps. Madison would drive and Laci would be the passenger. This year, they will probably each be driving their own and chasing each other around the house, so we will probably have the dirt path this year.
Fun times!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Birthdays, Birthdays
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