Also, this reminds me of Madison. When she was about this age, maybe a bit older, she tripped over my foot in her room and bumped her eyebrow area on a wooden doll cradle. She ended up having stitches. There is a slight scar there still, but it isn't noticeable since it is right along the top edge of her right eyebrow.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Shiner
So Terry picked Laci and Olivia up from daycare today. When the babysitter was out of the toy room for a second helping another little one, Olivia must have tried to do something she shouldn't have. Marlene thinks maybe she was trying to climb on one of the toy boxes. Silly girl! Anyway, she got a bummed up eye. The babysitter was able to put a bag of frozen peas on it for a bit, so she said it looks a bit better. She also said she heard two little whines from Olivia and that was all!
What a cheese-head! This is the first picture I tried to take and she was hamming it up for the camera. I heard all of the story from Terry over the phone when I was on my way to Jesup to get my van back from the car dealer. I was really worried about what I would see when I got home. It isn't that bad though. I am just glad the babysitter didn't call me or e-mail me at work. I probably would have worried the whole day for nothing!
An upclose view. It is a bit puffy and red and certainly is bruised. She didn't seem like it bothered her though.
Closing her eyes, so you can see both. Another silly shot!! Will be curious to see how the bruise changes over the next few days. Won't be getting any Christmas card photos done anytime soon!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lily Marie
So we finally did it! We got a dog - this is the newest member of our family - Lily Marie. She is an 8 1/2 week old English Bulldog. She is so sweet too. She is snuggly and loves to be close all the time.
This is from Saturday after we got home from getting her. We drove 4 hours one way to get her. We left home around 1 p.m. because we had something going on in the morning and got to the location around 4:30-5:00 p.m. We met her and her two brothers. Boy, were those boys rambunctious!! Lily was much more calm and still seems to be.
We had gone to the pet store before leaving to go get her, so she had a bone to play with and was just relaxing by Terry. It was almost 10 p.m. when we got home.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy 7th Birthday, Madison!
So today was pretty uneventful for it being Madison's 7th birthday. She had the girls over Thursday night and family was over Friday night, so all the presents were already open. She kept wanting to go shopping today because she has four gift cards and money to spend. Not sure what else she could need, but I told her this next weekend would be a perfect time to go. She wasn't really in agreement, but she had to wait. Auntie called to talk to her and so did Grandma Cheryll. I could slightly hear Grandma ask Madi what she got to do for her birthday, to which Madison responds "NOTHING!!". Oh boy, was she sassy today - sassy seven!! I can't imagine how fast the next 7 years will go, but I do love Madison so much. She usually is so easy to deal with, although the attitude does come out at times. I have loved every minute I have had with her the past 7 years - what a joy in my life! Here's to many more years of joy with her and her sisters! Happy Birthday to a 7 year old princess, my Madison Leigh!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Falling Behind!
So our lives are constantly crazy right now. I usually feel like I don't have a moment's peace because we either have somewhere to go or something I need to be doing. After next Tuesday, I think my life can slow down a little, but I am sure it won't last long. Here are some pictures of what the Even family has been up to lately:
We went to a place called "Pumpkin Paradise", just north of Denver. It was a lot of fun for the girls. There was a pumpkin patch, a scary maze, a hayride, and lots more.
This is part of the scary maze. Good thing it wasn't night time because the girls would have freaked out!
This is an old boat filled with corn. A "cornbox" instead of a sandbox - the girls loved it.
This tire swing looks like a horse. Madison and Laci each took a turn on the swing.
Madi got to ride in a limo to lunch with the school principal one day. It was a Ford Excursion limo and they got to go to the Pizza Palace in Denver for lunch because they did so well selling for the school fundraiser. This is Madi and her friend Cylee who got to go!
Halloween Night 2009 - Madison is Gabriella and Laci is Sharpay from High School Musical. Olivia is a little monkey with a banana on her head. I put little pink bows by the monkey's ears to make it girly!
The end of the night after trick or treating at my mom's house. Laci, Kendall as a witch, Madison, and Olivia.
Madison will be 7 years old tomorrow! Thursday night she had 7 friends over for a couple of hours. There wasn't school Friday because conferences were Monday and Tuesday night. They ate pizza, played, Madi opened presents, and they ate cupcakes. CRAZY!! Front row: Jordyn and Emily. Back row" Cylee, Reese, Madison, Jayden, Abbi, Tessa
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