So I am lucky if I get a post to my blog once per month, but maybe that is my new goal. I wish it was more often, but I just can't seem to find the time. Plus, I like to spend time on Facebook when I am on the computer a lot of the time. Hopefully the summer will give me more time to take pictures and blog away. I have had a lot of pain with a tooth lately also, so many nights, I just want to be doing nothing because of the pain.
Okay, moving on, these are some pictures of Madison. She was recently involved with parks and rec basketball. 1st and 2nd graders had one night per week for the month of January and they learned some basketball skills. It was fun for her!

Madison shooting a basket! She is pretty tall already which should hopefully help her well into high school if she decides to keep playing basketball.

They scrimmaged a little the last week of basketball. She had to wear green and it was quite a sight to watch their little game. Some didn't remember to dribble, they didn't pass unless it was to a friend, and on and on!! FUNNY!

This is also the last night. They got a little medal to wear and then we took a picture of the girls. Madison is in the bottom row, 4th from the left. Her face is always about as red as her shirt when she is done playing.
A final picture of me with my three girlies!! Terry took this picture of us on his cell phone. I didn't realize he had it until yesterday and seeing it made me decide that I am definitely going back to this hairstyle ASAP!!! I want it back NOW!!
A note about the other two girls - Laci is almost 5. She continues to go to preschool 3 mornings per week and loves it, but is still asking when she gets to go to kindergarten. She amazes me how funny she can be and silly all the time.
Olivia is saying a few more words all the time and sometimes you can really tell that she is trying to repeat a lot of what we say. She signs for "milk", "more", and "thank you". I taught her a few sign language things because then she doesn't have to get so frustrated. She can "sign" to me what she wants more easily now. I remember that the other two signed a little too, but not as much because they were talking more. My mom keeps telling me Olivia doesn't have to talk because Madi and Laci talk for her!! TRUE!