So once again it has been awhile since I have posted something. We have been extremely busy the last two weeks almost every night. Last night was no exception because Madison graduated from preschool. She looked so grown up and Mom was a little emotional (imagine that with me being so emotional anyway and also being pregnant). Mrs. Larson is one of Madison's teachers and she decided that she is retiring after this year, so she got emotional too which didn't help me at all. =0) I was very sad when I first heard because she is so good with the kids and now Laci (or our baby) won't have her for a teacher! Madison's other teacher, Mrs. Beck, is very good also and she will be there again next year, so Laci will have her. They also have the other teacher hired and although I don't know her very well, I have heard great things. I wanted to share a couple picture of Madison and her graduation also! The first picture they had done at school one day and the second picture is from the ceremony last night as she walked in. (She is between the lady and man towards the right side of the picture!)
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