Thursday, August 7, 2008

A New Do

So now that Madison is done with being the flower girl in Audrey's wedding, she wanted to get her hair cut. She basically asked the day after the wedding when she was going to get it cut. Well, today was the day. I went shopping in Williamsburg at the outlet mall with my mom and sister today and when I got home, Terry said he wasn't working tomorrow. So I had Terry call the place where he and the girls get their hair cut because she was open late tonight and she had time to cut it. Madison got 10 inches, or a little more, cut off to send her hair into "Locks of Love". The result is so cute! Sure is different having a girl with short hair, but she seems to love it. It will be great for the start of a new school year.
I should have taken a picture right before she got it cut, but I forgot. I have plenty of other pictures with her long hair anyway, but a before and after shot would have been good. Oh, well!


Unknown said...

MADI!! I love the new do!!! How cool that you were able to donate your hair! Now you are all set for school to start!

See you soon! Tell Laci HI too!!

Mindy said...

she looks so much older. also a bit more like terry.