Monday, September 29, 2008

A Few Pictures of Our New Bundle of Joy

Here is Laci and Olivia laying close to Mommy on the hospital bed. Laci has a "Big Sister" shirt on that she got from Mommy's friend, Jenny. Olivia is wearing a witch's hat that Grandma Cheryll and Auntie Cathy found for her.
Here is Madison in her "Big Sister" shirt from Jenny also. She kept busy at the hospital by coloring and doing puzzles. Here she is having Rich help.
My three girls - Madi and Laci decided to lay on the bed and put Olivia between them.
Olivia Rae
Mommy and her three girls
From Left to Right: Amanda (my sister's step-daughter), Madison, my sister Cathy holding her daughter Kendall, Laci, Mommy holding Olivia.
Terry and my brother-in-law, Doug, are surrounded by BEAUTIFUL women!


Unknown said...

Great Pictures!! And YES they are surrounded by BEAUTIFUL women!! Can't wait to see her again!!

Amy and Jeremy said...
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Amy and Jeremy said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful! Camden can't wait to give her a kiss in November.

Diane Johnson said...

Thinking of you all at home. Thanks for the photos, will return to see more! Olivia is precious! Hope you are getting rest and that soon everyone will get into a routine. DeAnn was jealous yesterday, said she was ready for her baby to be here too!
Take Care!