Sunday, September 27, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday, Olivia Rae!
Hard to believe that a year ago, I was waking up around 3 a.m. to contractions about every 5 minutes apart. I took a bath to see if that changed anything, but it didn't, so I called the hospital. They said I should come in. My mom came up to our house so we didn't have to wake up the other two girls. And we left for Covenant to arrive there around 5:30 a.m. Olivia Rae was born at 10:27 a.m. a year ago today! Wow, how fast it goes!! I really don't have a baby anymore. She is walking more and more, so I am sure that will be her only mode of transportation soon. She still crawls mostly because it is so much faster. Sometimes, I find myself searching the house for her because she gets away so quickly!! Hopefully, she never makes it to the basement stairs before I find her! Here are some pictures from the party we had Saturday evening for her.
Her balloons - she really liked the bear on the balloon and wanted to get it all the time.
Her cake has zoo animals on it - mainly because we got her a stuffed monkey this summer when we went to the Omaha zoo and she sort of makes monkey noises whenever she sees it. She also acts like a monkey sometimes.
Getting ready to eat cake, we tried to take a picture of her with the cake, but it didn't work too well. She had her own smash cake. She loved it! I videotaped that, so I don't have any pictures of her with the mess all over. Will have to try to download the video.
We had the party festivities in our garage because it was nice out and then most of the mess was out there. After eating dinner, we put Olivia in her stroller to open presents. The girls also posed for this picture. From left to right, my niece, Kendall (2), Olivia (1), Laci (4), and Madison (6). They all had a fun night, but tired girls by the end of it all.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Losing Teeth
Madison lost her first top tooth yesterday. She has lost 5 teeth all together now. Her 4 bottom middle teeth in the front are gone and yesterday at school, she lost her first top one. It has been loose all week and she finally got it out.
Not sure how I feel about her toothless grin sometimes. It makes me so sad at times to think about how big she is getting. Her and everyone else - Olivia will be ONE tomorrow. We are having her 1st birthday party this evening. Hope everyone is ready to see this crazy girl!! Also, the Hawkeyes play their game tonight, so I am sure we will be watching that too! GO HAWKS!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Almost Walking
So Olivia is almost walking. She will take several steps before dropping down to crawl. Watch out world, here she comes. I will try to get a video taken and post soon!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Laci's 1st Day of Preschool - Year 2
So today was finally Laci's 1st day of preschool - her second year. Yes, next year she will be starting kindergarten. She keeps asking me if it is the last day of school and she says then she will be starting kindergarten. Oh, what a long year this could be if she is ready for kindergarten already. I know Mom is not ready for kindergarten.
Getting ready to head out the door!
This girl is so little. She isn't short or anything, but just tiny. On Monday, August 31st, I had a hair appointment right after work. I told Terry to go ahead with supper without me. When I got home, they were finishing supper and I looked at Laci and asked her what she was wearing. She said she was wearing her clothes, but in reality, she was wearing Olivia's. Granted, Olivia wears 12-18 month clothes already, but I was shocked. The pants were jean capris (Gap 12-18 month) that looked like cargo shorts on Laci. They had the stretchy elastic and the babysitter said she got them up and down all day to go the bathroom without any problem. The pants surprised me, but then when I tried to change her into some shorts that wouldn't be as tight, I noticed she was wearing Olivia's 18 month t-shirt also. It didn't look too short or anything! CRAZY!!! Olivia will be sharing clothes with Laci soon!
Ah, sisterly love! Madison was literally crying Tuesday night when she thought about next year with Laci being in kindergarten and she would be in 2nd grade. She was crying because she said at recess they would be playing in separate locations and she wouldn't get to see her. I told her it would be okay, it is a year away, and they would see each other and get to play together at latchkey and when they are home together. Geez, if they would only get along so well and love each other so much all of the time!
Olivia - My Bubba-Do
So Olivia is drinking out of a sippy cup lately. Juice and formula are in the cup for when she eats in her high chair, then she can have a drink. I don't think the babysitter even gives her a bottle much anymore because she is such a good eater. The sippies she uses are softer, but still firm, so I hope the "getting rid of the bottle" won't be too stressful.
Having some juice!
Olivia is also sporting some ponies lately. Usually I just have one on top, but the other morning after a bath, I got two little ones in! Too cute! It is always a challenge when they are this little to get it done quickly!
I must say, I love when this child takes naps or goes to bed at night. She is such a good baby, but she wears me out! She is on the go constantly! I am also having things to do at night with taking a class and being back to work. It is a wonder this blog ever gets updated! I know there are some of you who check often and wonder where in the heck I am and when my next post will be!
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