Sunday, July 6, 2008

Playing on the Playground

Thursday night we went out to eat with Ryan and Ashley Backes and their two boys, Noah and Ben. After we ate, we took the kids to a school in the Cedar Falls area so they could play. They had fun and even the big kids played too!
A New Age Teeter-Totter?
Ben had a lot of fun. I am glad that I wasn't the one having to chase him!
Madison liked these a lot. Ashley was following!
Static-hair Laci!
Madison laying down for a quick picture. She didn't stay still too long and her face was bright red to prove she had fun.
Terry waiting to be moved to the other side. This thing had a crank to move it back and forth and Madison and Noah (far left of picture) are cranking hard.
Laci ready to tackle the big slide.
Madison looking at me for a brief picture.
Laci and Noah sitting on the part that is moved by the crank for a relaxing ride.

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