Laci can finally pedal her bike!!!!!
Anyway, over the last several weeks, Laci has really shown an interest in wanting to ride her bike. She would get so frustrated when she couldn't go that she would throw screaming fits out on the driveway for the whole neighborhood to hear. Nice! As she was throwing these fits of hers, she would slam her feet back and forth on the pedals causing the brakes to work - not the direction she really wanted to go. So as she would pedal, I would keep reminding her not to pedal backward. Today after lunch, the girls went out to ride their bikes and I think I really only had to give Laci one or two small pushes to get started going forward again.
On the potty-training front, Laci has been wearing real underwear lately. She keeps them dry all day, but when it comes time to poop, she just poops in her pants. I am so beyond being frustrated with her and this. She can tell me when she is done, plus she hides and gets real quiet when she has to go. She also can tell me where she is supposed to go, but she still poops in her pants. I have been trying to keep her close so I can catch her when she starts and then get her to the bathroom, but she almost always gets away and hides. I am hoping that by Labor Day that all is well and she only needs Pull-Ups at night, otherwise she may not be able to start preschool. She was 3 in March, so I was hoping that it would be easy now, but I guess with Laci nothing is ever easy!
Any suggestions out there????
tee hee. i can't believe how much laci & ayla are alike. ayla just figured out how to pedal her bike too & she's 4! as far as potty training i have no advice, because ayla did the exact same thing. i think she only got trained, because she was finally ready for it. i think they are the types of kids you can't MAKE do anything. they have to decide they are ready & that's that. what do you think?
I agree. The other day she pooped on the potty and said she liked that better than in her pants, but today she pooped in her pants again. She is getting much better, so I think she will be able to go to preschool without any worries, but I wish she was just done with accidents!!
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