Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Want a Haircut, I Want a Haircut

So in the last couple weeks since Madison got her haircut, all I have been hearing from Laci is that she wants a haircut too. She keeps asking me or her daddy when it is her turn to get a haircut. Finally, last night, Terry called and set up an appointment for tonight. So last night and all of today, that is all anyone heard was that she was getting her hair cut. The results are very cute and she really wanted her "do" to look a lot like her big sister's.
Can you tell she is a little excited about the haircut?? She was smiling at herself in the mirror the entire time she was getting it cut. The lady who cut her hair also said she knows people like getting haircuts, but most aren't as happy and excited about it as Laci was.

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